The action chart is a graphical representation of an employee's planned actions in a particular period. The action chart allows you to adapt the action planning directly. Drag the action to the employee, time and date of your choice. This allows you to:
The changes you make this way will not be applied until you click . As long as you do not apply your changes, you can click
to return to the original situation.
Note: When you enter or change an action on the Actions form, the change is immediately visible on the Action chart form. You open the form in the Action chart field. You can change the other actions in the Action chart you have opened in this way. When you click the OK button, the other actions are applied. The action you have changed on the Actions form will not be applied, however, until you have saved the data on the Actions form by clicking the button.
The row height now depends on the number of rows displayed. The maximum number of rows is set on the Action chart settings form. In the Action chart, you can use and
on the vertical scroll bar to the left of the calendar to increase or decrease the number of rows.
Use the Action chart settings form to adapt the display of the action chart data to your needs.
The list only contains employees in service in the selected period. If, however, incomplete actions are linked to an employee whose record is marked as 'Obsolete', these actions and the employee will always be displayed. This will allow you to assign the actions to another employee.