Engineering items are used to stage the synchronization of external BOMs with a production file. They allow you to decide who can synchronize what and when, and to define the rights required for synchronization. This way, you could, for example, segregate the duties of the engineer and the planner. A structure of engineering items does require additional administrative work, however, as every engineering item must be linked to a part. This means that a part must be present for every engineering item.
Linking a part to an engineering item
Parts can be linked to engineering items in a variety of ways on the Engineering items form:
In principle, parts linked to engineering items are dummy parts. The specifications are determined by the engineering item.
Your product range includes a product A of which all or some of the specifications are determined by the customer. Whenever you sell product A, engineering takes place. Every new document for product A that results in engineering based on customer demand will become a new engineering item. All these different engineering items use the same part A.
Usually, you will not create any engineering items for standard parts (parts without customer-specific engineering). The documents are linked directly to a part.
The linked part determines the part type and the order code. The engineering item has its own unit code and unit that are linked to the part using a sequence indicator.
The BOM of engineering items is the same as the BOM in the CAD or PDM application. If you copy the data from the CAD or PDM application to the engineering items, you will see up-to-date information in Isah. Synchronize the engineering item with a production file.
You can already enter component data that will be copied to the part or the production file during synchronization.
Creating engineering item revisions
A new engineering item will be assigned a revision automatically. Engineering item revisions are created with the Create engineering item revision process.
Deleting engineering items
Engineering items can be deleted in the following ways: