TProgressBar Control



Displays a simple progress bar.


Use TProgressBar to add a progress bar to a form. Progress bars provide users with visual feedback about the progress of a procedure within an application. As the procedure progresses, the rectangular progress bar gradually fills from left to right with the system highlight color.

TProgressBar Properties

Property Property Max: Integer (R/W)

Specifies the upper limit of the range of possible positions. Use Max along with the Min property to establish the range of possible positions a progress bar. When the process tracked by the progress bar is complete, the value of Position should equal Max.

Property Property Min: Integer (R/W)

Specifies the lower limit of the range of possible positions. Use Max along with the Min property to establish the range of possible positions a progress bar. When the process tracked by the progress bar begins, the value of Position should equal Min.

Property Property Orientation: Enumerated (R/W)

Specifies whether the progress bar is oriented vertically or horizontally. Use Orientation to get or set whether the progress bar is oriented vertically or horizontally.

Property Property Position: Integer (R/W)

Specifies the current position of the progress bar. You can read Position to determine how far the process tracked by the progress bar has advanced from Min toward Max. Set Position to cause the progress bar to display a position between Min and Max. For example, when the process tracked by the progress bar completes, set Position to Max so that it appears completely filled. When a progress bar is created, Min and Max represent percentages, where Min is 0 (0% complete) and Max is 100 (100% complete). If these values are not changed, Position is the percentage of the process that has already been completed.

Property Property Smooth: Boolean (R/W)

Specifies whether the progress bar is smooth or segmented. Use Smooth to specify whether the progress bar is smooth or segmented.

Property Property Step: Integer (R/W)

Specifies the amount that Position increases when the StepIt method is called. Set Step to specify the granularity of the progress bar. Step should reflect the size of each step in the process tracked by the progress bar, in the logical units used by the Max and Min properties. When a progress bar is created, Min and Max represent percentages, where Min is 0 (0% complete) and Max is 100 (100% complete). If these values are not changed, Step is the percentage of the process completed before the user is provided with additional visual feedback.