Run the Process receipts of part purchases process to process receipts of parts. These parts are the parts you receive from your suppliers.
Before you can register part receipts with this process, you need to create receipt lines for the parts you will receive. The parts will not be registered as received until these receipt lines have been processed. Create the receipt lines in the Receipts of part purchases file.
Note: You can only process receipt lines of which the Receipt status is set to 'Ready for processing'.To authorize multiple lines at the same time, it will be quicker to open the Edit menu and then choose Change receipt status.
Process results
For stock orders, the results of the process are:
For orders to order, the costs are posted. In this case, no stock postings are made, because the parts were ordered for the order.
Also, for all parts received, the 'Received' quantity on the purchase order line will be updated.