This section contains information about new and changed functionality introduced in Isah Integration Server 4.5.2 since the release of 4.0.
The input parameter TopicId has been added to the method. It enables you to display a topic from the Isah help. It is a required parameter. If you want to display the introduction form you have to enter the value '0'.
This is a new property.
This is a new method.
This is a new property.
When you assign a value to this property, the stored procedure parameters will automatically be determined and created. Hence, it is no longer necessary to manually create parameters. You can retrieve the parameters and you can assign a value, for example by using the ParamByName method: Params.ParamByName(<parameternaam>).Value.
MS SQL server sets strict conditions to parameters. Several properties have been added to meet these conditions. The parameters that will be automaticaly created when assigning the StoredProcName will contain the correct values.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.