This section contains information about new and changed functionality introduced in Engineering Link 4.6 since the release of 4.5.2.
This class is obsolete.
'iitEngItem = 923' is no longer an allowed value.
This property is obsolete.
This interface is obsolete.
The Add method has been renamed to AddEngineeringItemLine method. The SubEngItemRevId inputparameter with the integer result has been added.
This is a new method.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
The property has been enhanced: if the property will be filled all part related fields will now be cleared.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new method.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
It is no longer required to enter a value when inserting a new engineering item if you use an engineering item code in Isah that numbers engineering items automatically.
This property is obsolete. The RevisionId property contains the unique key for the engineering item revision.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This property is obsolete.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This property is obsolete.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This property is obsolete.
This property is obsolete.
This is a new property.
This interface is obsolete.
Conditions have been added to the method.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
There are different combinations of items that can be related.
This is a new property.
It is no longer required to enter a value when inserting a new part if you use a part code in Isah that numbers parts automatically.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
The inputparameters 'SubPartCode' and 'SubPartRevisionNr' have been added to the method.
All calculation lines will be copied, including the phantom lines that will not be displayed in Isah.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
The 'Date' type has been changed into the 'DateTime' type.
All calculation lines will be copied, including the phantom lines that will not be displayed in Isah.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
This is a new property.
'Engineering item 923' is no longer a table ID value of the method.
This is a new method.
The task has been updated since the Engineering BOM can contain both engineering-items and parts.