The Open Item API enables you to retrieve open item data. Use this call to retrieve data related to outstanding invoices.
Parameter |
Description |
Mandatory |
Validations |
company |
Company code |
Y |
Company code exists |
fiscalyear |
Fiscal year |
Y |
invoicereference |
Invoice reference |
Y |
Invoice reference exists |
creditor debitor |
Either the debtor code or the creditor code should be specified, not both |
Y |
Either the debtor code or the creditor code is present in the company/fiscal year |
Http method
If the specified open item is found, a JSON object containing the open item will be returned:
{string that represents a date},
{string that represents a date},
{string that represents a date},
{string that represents a date},
{floating point},
{floating point},
{string that represents a date},
{string that represents a date},
{string that represents a date},
{floating point},
{floating point},
{floating point},
If the open item was not found, http status code 404 will be returned.
Parameter |
Description |
Company |
Company code |
FiscalYear |
Fiscal year |
Debtor |
Debtor code |
Creditor |
Creditor code |
InvoiceReference |
Invoice reference |
InvoiceDate |
Invoice date |
InvoiceDescription |
Invoice description |
DatePaid |
Date (partially) paid |
CostCenterCode |
Cost center code |
CurrencyCode |
Currrency code |
PaymentReference |
Payment reference |
PaymentCondition |
Payment conditon |
PaymentTermDays |
Payment period in days |
InvoiceDueDate |
Invoice expiry date |
PaymentConditionDiscountDays |
Discount Period Payment Condition |
InvoiceDiscountDueDate |
Invoice discount expiry days |
PaymentDiscountPercentage |
Payment discount percentage |
PaymentDiscountAmount |
Payment discount amount |
ManualBlockedForPayment |
Blocked for payment |
MarkedForPayment |
Selected for payment |
BlockedForReminders |
Blocked for reminders |
MarkedForReminder |
Selected for reminder |
NumberOfReminder |
Number of reminders |
DateLastReminder |
Last reminder date |
PromisedPaymentDate |
Promised payment date |
ToCollectionAgency |
Passed on to collection agency |
ToCollectionAgencyDate |
Passed on date |
OpenAmount |
Open invoice amount |
OpenCurrencyAmount |
Open amount in invoice currency |
OutstandingCurrencyAmount |
Open amount in invoice currency * -1 |
OpenItemClosed |
Open Item Closed |