Event BeforePost()
Event that is fired just before modifcations are posted to the database. This event returns a boolean (true or false) that can be used to indicate whether the post must be aborted. The default value of the boolean is False.
Use this function to specify further validations.
Code Snippet
Function BeforePost
Rem Posting a record has the following program flow:
Rem 1. This script function is called first, so if the result of this function
Remis TRUE, the flow will continue.
RemIf the result is FALSE, the post is aborted, without a message to the
Remuser (so make sure to do it yourself)
Rem 2. The business logic of the data entry form wil decide if the record
Remcan be posted.
Rem 3. The database server is ordered to insert/update the current record
BeforePost = True
End Function