Displays and manipulates records from a dataset in a tabular grid.
This control has the same behavior, look and feel as the grid component used on standard Isah forms.
Export to html and xlsx format is possible by right-clicking the grid component.
Put a TIsahDBGrid control on a form to display and edit the records from a database table or query. Applications can use the data grid to insert, delete, or edit data in the database, or simply to display it. At runtime, users can use the database navigator (TIsahDBNavigator) to move through data in the grid, and to insert, delete, and edit the data. Edits that have been made in the data grid will not be posted to the underlying dataset until the user moves to a different record or closes the application.
The properties and methods as described below can also be invoked as properties and methods of a TEditForm Object. Use the IsahGridMain dataset (myEditFrm.IsahGridMain) to invoke the properties and methods.