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Database configuration from the Management Studio
  1. Click Databases, click System Databases, then right click model and then click Properties.
  2. Click Options on the left-hand pane.
  3. Change Arithmetic Abort Enabled and Recursive Triggers Enabled to ‘True’. The total set of options should be as shown below. Then click OK.

    Database Properties

  4. Click Databases, click System Databases, then right click tempdb and then click Properties.
  5. Click Options on the left-hand pane. Change Arithmetic Abort Enabled to ‘True’.
  6. Click Files on the left pane. On the right pane, for 'tempdev' change Initial Size to 512 MB and for 'templog' to 256 MB.
  7. For 'tempdev' click in the Autogrowth column on Keuze uit bestand.
  8. Activate In Megabytes and select '64' (64 MB growth at a time).
  9. For 'templog' click in the Autogrowth column on Keuze uit bestand.
  10. Activate In Megabytes and select '32' (32 MB growth at a time).
  11. Click Databases, click System Databases, then right click model and then click Properties. Open a Windows Explorer, go to ‘\IsahSetup_5_1_Isah\[UPDATEPACKNO]_[VERSIONNO]\Server_Software\MSSQL_DBServer_Scripts’ and drag the script ‘_AddUDT.sql’ to the Management Studio. Run the script by clicking ‘<CTRL> E’.
  12. In the left drop down box, click tempdb and run the script again.
  13. From ‘\IsahSetup_5_1_Isah\[UPDATEPACKNO]_[VERSIONNO]\Server_Software\MSSQL_DBServer_Scripts’, drag the script ‘_AddLogins.sql’ to the management studio and run this script.
  14. From ‘\IsahSetup_5_1_Isah\[UPDATEPACKNO]_[VERSIONNO]\Server_Software\MSSQL_DBServer_Scripts’, drag the script ‘_Create_Isah_Standard_AgentJobs.sql’ to the management studio and run this script.