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User Groups

On the User Groups tab, you can add the user to one or more user groups. The left-hand list contains all user groups the user could be part of whereas the right-hand list contains all groups the user already belongs to.

  1. In the Users tab double click the user you want to assign to one or more groups or click the Detailscherm openenicon.
  2. Click the User Groups tab and select in the left-hand list the groups you want the user to be part of. Use Shift or CTRL to select multiple groups.
  3. Drag the selection to the right-hand list or use the TR: Volgende week icon.
  4. To remove the user from user groups, select in the right-hand list one or more user groups you no longer want the user to be part of. Drag the selection to the left-hand list or use the TR: Vorige week icon.

Tip: Use the search box to quickly find user groups in both the left-hand and the right-hand list.