One of the columns in the lists that show the available work in SFC displays the codes of the production orders that the operation lines belong to. If your company prefers to work with the production file codes, you need to change the setting in Production identified by to 'Production file'.
Actions after registering production quantities
This setting controls the creation of production receipts. You can use it to create and process them automatically when quantities are registered for the last operation in a production order.
You have the following options:
When produced items are registered, this setting determines whether the parts are issued automatically.
This setting has the following options:
Process Part Issues
This setting determines whether manual issues will be processed immediately.
Please note: Manual issues from stock are only possible if backflushing is set to inactive for the part in question.
Parts needed for an operation can be issued from SFC. Both planned and unplanned parts issues are possible. Usually, parts will be taken from the stock inventory, but if the setting Issue purchased parts is activated, it is also possible to issue parts that have been purchased for the operation. In this case, SFC will not only show stock inventory lines for the parts needed for an operation, but purchase lines as well.
Parts can only be issued from purchase if the following conditions are met:
These settings can be found on the Logistics tab of the Parts module. The WIP location can be set to active or inactive for each part, but the configuration of the WIP location can only be changed in the General Settings module.
Parts needed for an operation can be issued from SFC. Both planned and unplanned parts issues are possible. Usually, parts will be taken from the stock inventory, but if the setting Issue produced parts is activated, it is also possible to issue parts that have been produced in your company. In this case, SFC will not only show stock inventory lines for the parts needed for an operation, but lines with parts coming from production as well.
Parts can only be issued from production if the following conditions are met:
These settings can be found on the Logistics tab of the Parts module. The WIP location can be set to active or inactive for each part, but the configuration of the WIP location can only be changed in the General Settings module.
If you want to be able to create or change clusters in SFC, activate this field. If this field is not activated, clusters can only be created and changed in Isah.
Please note: Working with clusters in Isah and/or SFC is only possible if clusters are included in your Isah license.
Register quantities for clusters
Activate this field to enable employees to register produced quantities for clusters. Leave this setting empty if your company never works with quantities when operations have been clustered.
Activate this setting if users are allowed to change the operation Memo field in SFC. Any alterations will be saved automatically, but a Save button is available, as well as Undo and Redo buttons.
If a machine has been allocated to an operation in Isah, SFC will show this machine in the operation line. If SFC users are allowed to change the machine or add a machine where none is specified, activate the setting Machine editable. The button for changing machines in SFC () is only visible if this setting has been activated.
If the field is left empty, machines cannot be changed in SFC.
Default Status Unplanned Operations
This field sets the initial status code for unplanned, new operations that are created in the SFC application. Operations with this status code will always be shown in the operations overview, regardless of the operation status range defined in the settings.
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