The Terminal-Specific Settings tab enables you to specify different settings for different terminals.
Create a filter definition for every terminal that needs its own settings. For every definition you can set the work mode, the maximum number of operations, relevant statuses etc. Definitions you add here will be visible in the settings on every Shop Floor Control terminal, where employees can choose the relevant one.
The work mode determines how SFC presents information to your employees, which in turn determines how they choose their next operation. This setting should therefore reflect the way your company would like its employees to pick their work.
Show limited list of operations: extensive information, advanced sort order
This setting is best used by companies that do extensive work preparation. It shows your employees a limited list of operations, filtered and sorted by specific criteria (for instance status, priority, material availability, and the state of previous operations). Your employees see enough of this information to be able to decide which operation is most useful to continue with; all operations not ready for production are invisible to them.
In this mode:
Show unlimited list of operations: limited information, basic sort order
Use this method if your company only needs basic SFC functionality. SFC will filter and sort operations based on limited criteria and work with basic information, such as status, priority and start date. Employees can pick their next task from the list in SFC, but see only basic information for every task.
In this mode:
Enter operation
Use this method if your employees start work based on a work order code or production order code. Upon logging in to SFC, your employee will see an empty window in which they can enter the code they have been given. SFC will then show the relevant operation or production order.
Please note: the operation filter criteria still apply. This means SFC will only find the operation if it falls within the operation filter criteria, for instance, a certain range of statuses.
Give a clear description for your definition. This could be based on the location of the terminal it is for, or on the criteria it uses, for instance 'Terminal C' or 'Statuses 30-45'.
This setting determines the maximum number of operations shown in the Operations form. The number must be higher than zero; the default value is 20. There is no maximum setting, but the higher the number of operations you specify here, the more time it will take Shop Floor Control to load them.
Shop Floor Control will always show at least one operation that is not running. In some cases, this can result in a list that has more than the maximum quantity of operations. For instance, if you have set the maximum to 5, the setting Show operations in progress is active, and all 5 operations are running, SFC will show a sixth line that has not started yet.
Please note: This setting is disabled in the 'Limited information, basic sort order' work mode. When this mode is active, SFC will always show the operations in pages of 20. If you scroll down to the bottom of the list, the next 20 operations that meet your current filter settings are displayed. SFC remembers the operations in previous pages for quick reference.
If this setting is active, the Operations form will also show WIP operations (Work In Progress; operations that are started by one or more users). If it is not active, WIP operations will not be shown.
This setting determines the operations that will be shown in the Operation overview. The configured range will be checked against the status of the production order of the operation. Only If the status is within this range, the operation will be shown.
This setting determines the operations that will be shown in the Operation overview. The configured range will be checked against the status of the operation. Only If the status is within this range, the operation will be shown.
With this setting, you can rule out operations that are not eligible for work, based on the availability of the materials. You can set a minimum level of availability for all materials. Only if an operation meets this condition, it is shown in SFC.
Minimum progress of previous operations
With this setting, you can rule out operations that are not eligible for work, based on the progress of the previous operations. You can set a minimum state for any previous operation. Only if an operation meets this condition, it is shown in SFC.
This setting is used when operations are retrieved. The number of days in the future is specified by the value of this setting. If no number is supplied, all operations are retrieved.
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