Specify which hour code Isah should use to book travel hours.
Hour code for work in progress
Specify which hour code Isah should use to book work in progress.
This setting contains the hour codes from Isah. Hour codes define a type of activity, for instance 'Man hours', 'Production' or 'Travel'. Only hour codes you have selected here will be available for the Mobile Field Service app. If you want all hour codes to be visible in Isah MFS, leave this setting empty.
To be able to create time registration lines for an employee, Isah MFS needs a working hours table. Because Isah MFS does not work with fixed hours, this has to be a working hours table of the type 'Variable working hours'.
Specify your default variable working hours table here.
Specify to which value you want the registered hours to be rounded off. Employees register their hours in decimals and can fill in all values, such as '2.35 hours', but the value they enter will be rounded off in accordance with this setting.
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