If you have selected a user in the Application Rights tab, you can assign user specific rights to the user. Only when the focus is on a user, the tab will be displayed; when a group is selected, the tab is invisible.
The displayed Default warehouse en Default location are the values specified on the Tasks tab. If you want to use an alternative warehouse or location for a user, enter these in the Warehouse and Location fields below the default values.
If these fields are empty, the warehouse and location displayed in the Default warehouse and Default location apply to the user (you can find the original settings on the Tasks tab). Specify a warehouse and a location if you want to use an alternative warehouse or location for a user. That way, service engineers can issue parts from their own service vehicles.
Isah MFS only uses the warehouse and location for unplanned parts issues. Employees can only issue these unplanned parts if:
they are situated in the warehouse and on the location specified for the Isah MFS user. If no location has been entered, all locations within the specified warehouse are valid.
Planned parts are always issued from the warehouse and location specified in the order.