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Main Form

The Main Form specifies additional information about the Isah License Server.

The Isah License Server runs as a service in Windows. This enables the Isah License Server to be started automatically when you start the system regardless of whether a user is logged on to that system. Use the buttons on this tab to stop the service if you want to install a new license file.

Overview Of The Main Form



Aktualisieren (F5)

Refreshes the information on the Main Form.


Restarts the Isah License Server and the Isah License Server service if it has been stopped.


Stops the Isah License Server and the Isah License Server service. If you click the Stop button, a warning may be displayed that there are users connected to the Isah License Server. If you stop the Isah License Server while there are users connected to the License Server, these users must log on again before they can resume their work.

Requests handled

Displays the number of requests that have been handled by the Isah License Server since the license server was last started.

Start date/time

Displays the date and time when the Isah License Server was last started.

Active license file

Displays the path to the license file.

License server version

Displays the version number of the Isah License Server that is currently running.

License name

Displays the organization name of your company. The organization name is automatically retrieved from the Isah license file.

Active logins

Displays the number of users that have logged on on the Isah License Server.

Used licenses

Displays the number licenses in use and the number of licenses purchased.

The message box will only display the log contents if you have set Location on the Log tab on the Options form to 'Memory' or 'File & Memory'.