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Work With Databases Prior To 5.2

During updates to Isah 5.2 from earlier versions, a change in security settings will take place. If you need to keep connecting to databases prior to version 5.2, you can do this by activating Support for Isah databases prior to 5.2 in the Settings tab.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start the application for the configuration of the Isah License Server: IsahLicenseServerConfig.exe.
  2. Click Tools, Options to open the Options form.
  3. On the Settings tab, check the Support for Isah databases prior to 5.2 field. A new tab will appear in the Options screen: Isah databases prior to 5.2.
  4. The Databases tabs shows a list of databases with version 5.2 or higher; the Isah databases prior to 5.2 tab shows the earlier databases.