Log in on the client using an account with administrator privileges for that client.
Open your browser and, depending on your Windows version, navigate to one of the following directories:
In case of an 32-bit system, go to <Network Drive>\IsahSetup_[RELEASENO]_Isah\[UPDATEPACKNO]_[VERSIONNO]\ Client_Software\MS_SQL_Server_ Client_Software\2012\x86.
In case of an 64-bit system, go to <Network Drive>\IsahSetup_[RELEASENO]_Isah\[UPDATEPACKNO]_[VERSIONNO]\ Client_Software\MS_SQL_Server_ Client_Software\2012\x64.
Run sqlncli.msi.
Follow the directions on your screen to carry out the installation process.
Note: There is no need for installing SQL Server Native Client SDK.
After the installation, click the Finish button to exit the installation program.