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Updating the Databases

When all conditions have been met, you can start updating your databases. Note that the time it takes to complete the database update depends on both the size of the database and the capacity of your hardware. If it looks like the update has come to an unexpected stop, do not cancel the update process indiscriminately. You should first check whether the process is no longer active. Updating can take 20 minutes or more.

Carry out the following steps for each database you want to update:

  1. Navigate to the following folder: \IsahSetup_[RELEASENO]_Isah\[UPDATEPACKNO]_[VERSIONNO]\Database_Patch\Patch_[DATABASENO].
  2. Double-click IsahDBPatcher.exe.
  3. After the introduction window, the IsahDBPatcher checks if the Isah database patch engine and the SQL Server native client are installed. If this is the case, click Next to continue.
  4. The default schema file IsahDeploy.dacpac appears in the Select the database patch file box. If necessary, you can select another schema file. Bear in mind, however, that the IsahDBPatcher.exe and the dacpac file belong together. The IsahDBPatcher.exe has to be in the same directory as the dacpac file. Click Next to continue.
  5. Connect to your SQL Server instance, using the “sa” account. You can use another account or or “Windows authentication”, as long as the account at least has the “sysadmin” and “public” server roles. Choose the Isah database you want to update and click Next to continue.
  6. Double check the selected database patch and database. Click Next to continue.
  7. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog and wait until the database is patched. This can take up to 20 minutes.
  8. If an error occurs, or if you want to patch another database, click Restart. The Isah database patcher will go to step 5.
  9. If the last database is patched successfully, click Close.

    If the update process could not be carried out successfully, you should check the install error files and output files.

In this folder

IsahDBPatcher Errors

ANSI Settings