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Server configuration from the Management Studio
  1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right click the server, and then click Properties.
  2. Click Connections in the left-hand pane.
  3. Activate ansi padding, ANSI NULLS, arithmetic abort, quoted identifier, ANSI NULL Default Off, and concat null yields null and then click OK.
  4. Click Memory in the left hand pane.
  5. Set Maximum server memory (in MB) to an appropriate number.

    For servers with 4 GB of RAM, set Maximum server memory to 2.048 MB. 2 GB is left for the OS.

    For servers with 8 GB of RAM, set Maximum server memory to 5,120 MB. 3 GB is left for the OS.

    For servers with 12 GB of RAM, set Maximum server memory to 8,192 MB. 4 GB is left for the OS.

    For servers with more than 12 GB of RAM, leave 4 GB for the OS. The rest can be assigned to MS SQL Server.