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MS SQL Server Installation Manual

Note: If a MS SQL Server 2016 version is already present on your server, the order of the steps may slightly differ.

  1. Close all applications and reboot your server.
  2. Depending on your settings:

    Then click Run as administrator to run the MS SQL Server setup with elevated privileges. Allow the application to modify your register.

  3. Click Installation in the left-hand pane.
  4. Click New SQL Server Stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation. in the right-hand pane.
  5. Enter your product key, or use the product key of the installation software, then click Next.
  6. Activate the I accept the license terms field and then click Next.
  7. Activate Include SQL Server product updates and then Click Next.
  8. Click Next. For servers, also configurate the firewall (please refer to Configure the Windows Firewall to Allow SQL Server Access).
  9. Activate Perform a new installation of SQL Server 2016 and then click Next.
  10. Activate Database Engine Services and Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search, and then click Next.
  11. Activate Named instance, type a name for your MS SQL Server instance in the Instance ID field and then click Next.
  12. For SQL Server Agent select Automatic.

    In a high security environment, the SQL Server Browser service should be turned off.

  13. Click the Collation tab. If the Database Engine does not use Latin1_General_CI_AS, click the Customize button.

    Attention: SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AS should also be changed to Latin1_General_CI_AS.

  14. If you have to change the collation, activate Windows collation designator and sort order. In the Collation designator field, select 'Latin1_General’ (Western European characters), click the check box Accent Sensitive and click OK. In the Server Configuration form the collation name is automatically changed to ‘Latin1_General_CI_AS’ (Case-Insensitive, Accent-Sensitive).
  15. Click Next.
  16. Activate Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication mode and Windows authentication), enter a password for the administrator in the Enter password and Confirm passwords field, and add an administrator in the Specify SQL Server administrators list in one of the following ways:
  17. Click the Data Directories tab. Enter the standard Isah paths as shown below.Note: change '<Nr>' to the SQL Server version number (SQL Server 2012 = MSSQL11, SQL Server 2014 = MSSQL12, SQL Server 2016 = MSSQL13), and <INSTANCE> to the MS SQL Server instance name you have chosen.

    For higher performance, log and data directories should be placed on separate disks with a separate IO channel. Small systems might not have a D drive. In that case, use C instead. However, hardware configuration is a system administrator issue that falls outside the scope of this document. Apart from the drive, it is strongly recommend to use the paths as suggested in this document.

  18. Click the TempDB tab. Insert the following settings:

    For higher performance, the data files should be placed on separate disks with a separate IO channel. However, hardware configuration is a system administrator issue that falls outside the scope of this document.

  19. Click Next.
  20. Click Install. Please wait until the installation is complete.
  21. Click Close.
  22. Close the SQL Server Installation Centre form.
  23. Reboot your server.