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Delivery item quantity

Isah origin

Calculated value (cfQty): PurDocPartReceiptScheme.Qty (x PurDocPartLine.Length x PurDocPartLine.Width x PurDocPartLine.Height)

Please note: PurDocPartLine.Length, PurDocPartLine.Width and PurDocPartLine.Height are only used to calulate the quantity if they are specified in the relevant unit code in Isah (Part.Unit or Part.PurUnit, depending on PurDocPartLine.UnitType). For instance, if the unit code is 'number x length', the quantity is calculated by multiplying the number of ordered items with the length per ordered item.


The quantity of items associated with the delivery of a (set of) line item(s).


Order message/Order line/Line item/Delivery/Delivery item quantity

XML label


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