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Update process

Automatic update process

In the installation folder, you will find the Interface update.cmd file. This file will automatically start the update file Isah.SupplyChain.Interface.Setup.msi as an administrator. This means you will not have to stop the application pool before running the update, because it has enough permission to do that for you. For the file to work, you will need to move it to your local environment:

  1. Copy the Interface update.cmd file to your computer.
  2. Close the Isah Supply Chain Interface website.
  3. Double-click Interface update.cmd to automatically start the Isah.SupplyChain.Interface.Setup.msi as an administrator.
  4. Follow the instructions and press Next when necessary. Data from the original installation will be pre-selected in every window.

The Interface update.cmd does not work in all environments. If the installation doesn't start after running this file, use the manual method described below.

Manual update process

  1. Close the Isah Supply Chain Interface website.
  2. Start IIS and in the left menu, click Application pools.
  3. In the list of application pools, right-click the Isah SCSN API AppPool and choose Stop.
  4. If you fail to stop the service before updating, you will get a message during the update process that dotnet.exe is still running. The update can try to close the programs, but it does not have the necessary permissions for that, so that will not work. If you continue the update without shutting the AppPool off first, you will have to reboot your computer after the update process for the update to take effect.
  5. To start the update double-click Isah.SupplyChain.Interface.Setup.msi and follow instructions. Data from the original installation will be pre-selected in every window.
  6. After the update, go back to the IIS Application pools, right-click the Isah SCSN API AppPool and choose Start.