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This webpage shows the messages that your message service has sent to other companies in the supply chain. The messages you see here have been sent directly to another web interface.

In the State column, you can see if the message has been sent succesfully. If the state is set to 'Error', open the message by clicking on the arrow in front of the row. You can see what the problem is under Response. Once the problem has been resolved, click the Send to queue icon to resend the message.

Please note: Messages that can not be delivered because the other party does not have a web interface will be put in the Ready for recipient page, where they can be picked up by the addressee.


SCI: Expand


SCI: Fold


SCI: Try again

This icon appears when a message has been generated from your database, but an error occurred while sending it to the receiver. Once the error has been resolved, click this icon to send it again.

SCI: Delete record

Delete the record. Please note that deleting messages will affect your statistics on the Home page.

In this folder

Undeliverable messages