Please note: Nodes for the addresses and contact person are not included here, as this data will not be used in your Receipts of part purchases. Any data necessary on the Receipts of part purchases form that is needed for the seller supplier party will be retrieved from your own database after the party has been identified.
<cbc:ID schemeID=" "> </cbc:ID>
<cbc:Name> </cbc:Name>
<cbc:CompanyID> </cbc:CompanyID>
<cac:TaxScheme />
<cbc:CompanyID schemeID=" "> </cbc:CompanyID>
Party identifier
The party identifier in the message is used to verify the seller supplier party. If it is not found in your database, the message will not be imported.
Once the party has been identified, VendorAddress.Name (from your own database) will be put on the receipt of part purchases. The VendId on the Receipts of part purchases form comes from T_PurchaseDocument.
VAT/Business registration number
There is no additional verification for VAT number (PartyTaxScheme) or Business registration number (PartyLegalEntity).