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User Guide Crystal Reports Report Engine

As of Isah version 4.7, the Crystal Reports report engine in the Isah application is no longer supported. Isah strongly recommends you to update all reports to FastReport reports.

You can still print Crystal Report reports because the Crystal Reports engine is still present in the Isah application. However, due to end of support policy, the Crystal Reports engine will not be maintained. Isah will no longer issue updates, so your printing actions may not be succesful.

When you still need to print Crystal Report reports, please meet the following criteria:

  1. Make sure the Crystal Engine option is enabled when you install the Isah client application.
  2. Install Crystal Reports Runtime. This installer is not part of the Isah deployment package anymore. Therefore, use the version that was deployed with your previous Isah version (4.0.11 – 4.6.4). The last version of this installer is Please contact Isah Product Support if you need a new copy of this installer.

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