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The Isah Report Service logs all actions regarding the printing of a report in a log file. You can find this log file on the following location: %ProgramData%\Isah\Logs\ReportService\[instance name].

During the installation of the Isah Report Service, the wizard creates a config file in which the settings are registered. Some of these settings, including the logging setting, can be modified. There are four levels of logging:

The default setting is 'error', meaning errors and all lower levels (debug, info and warning) will be logged. The level can be adjusted in the config file, but at this time this is not picked up by the logging service. This means that for now, all levels are always logged.

Logging is done in files that are added to until a maximum file size has been reached. The default value for this maximum file size is 1024kB. As soon as this maximum is reached, a new file is created. This continues until the maximum number of files has been reached. The default for this is set to 30. Once the maximum number of files has been reached, the count restarts and the first log file that was created will be overwritten.

If you want to change the file size and file number values, you can do so by changing them in the config file.