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Edit Form Event Scripts

Use an Edit form event script to specify a custom event for standard Isah data entry forms. You can specify a custom event for any of the events below.

Note: The BeforePost Event and the BeforeDelete Event will return a boolean as result. If the result of these functions is 'False', the respective 'Posting' or 'Deleting' will be aborted.

Note: Some events, such as the AfterApplyEvent, are called after several actions. You can use the updatekind property to differentiate between them.

In diesem Ordner

BeforeOpenDataSet Event

BeforeOnNewRecord Event

OnNewRecord Event

AfterOnNewRecord Event

AfterInsert Event

OnDataChanged Event

BeforePost Event

AfterPost Event


AfterPostAndApply Event

BeforeDelete Event

AfterScroll Event

InitMenu Event