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EMail Object


Allows you to send mail messages.

Properties, Procedures and Functions

Funktion Procedure Send

Property Property Text: String (R/W)

Property Property Subject: String (R/W)

Property Property Recipient: String (R/W)

Property Property CC: String (R/W)

Property Property BCC: String (R/W)

Property Property Attachment: String (R/W)

Property Property Concept: Boolean String (R/W)


Sub Main()

Dim EMail

Dim S

Dim Recipients

' Creates an e-mail object

Set EMail = application.Email()

' Specifies the subject line

EMail.Subject = "A test e-mail"

S = ""

S = S + " Put your e-mail text here" + vbCrLf

S = S + " You can use several lines" + vbCrLf

' Places the string in the text property

EMail.Text = S

Recipients = "" + vbCrLf

' Specifies to which recipients the e-mail must be sent

EMail.Recipient = Recipients

' Send


MsgBox "E-mail sent"

End Sub