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IsahBase Object


Contains the default functions and procedures.


The IsahBase Object does not have to be created explicitly in Isah Script. This all takes place in the background. The IsahBase Object procedures and functions are therefore directly accessible in all scripts.

Properties, Procedures and Functions

Funktion Function IsahDateToStr( Year: Integer, Month: Integer, Day: Integer ): String

Funktion Function IsahDateToStr( Date: Date ): String

Funktion Function IsahDBDate( Year: Integer, Month: Integer, Day: Integer ): String

Funktion Procedure IsahDecodeDate( Date: DateTime, Var Year: Integer, Var Month: Integer, Var Day: Integer ): String

Funktion Procedure IsahDecodeTime( Date: DateTime, Var Hours: Integer, Var Minutes: Integer, Var Seconds: Integer, Var MilliSeconds: Integer ): String

Funktion Function IsahEncodeDate( Year: Integer, Month: Integer, Day: Integer ): Date

Funktion Function IsahEncodeTime( Hours: Integer, Minutes: Integer, Seconds: Integer, MSeconds: Integer ): Time

Funktion Procedure IsahStrToDate( Var Date: DateTime, Hours: Integer, Minutes: Integer, Seconds: Integer, MilliSeconds: Integer ): String

Funktion Function IsahValidDate( Date: String ): Date

Funktion Function IsahDate( Days: Integer ): Date

Funktion Function IsahDateToWeek( Date: Date ): String


sub main()

Dim D

Dim Year

Dim Month

Dim Day

D = IsahEncodeDate(2000, 10, 12)

MsgBox D

IsahDecodeDate D, Year,Month,Day

MsgBox Year & "" & Month & "" & Day

D = IsahEncodeDate(Year, Month, Day)

MsgBox D

end sub