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Data Forms


In a data form a user can view or edit data of an Isah item. The code below shows the easiest way to open a form with the Integration Server. It opens the Part form (F0040).

Dim oDataForm as IERPLink.IISERPDataForm

oDataForm = oERPLink.CreateDataForm(“0040”)


Properties can affect the form content: for example, if you enter a preset code or select a part in the form. Use the LocateFields property to fill in the value of the PartCode field. Which LocateFields are available depends on the displayed form. If you add a field you have to enter the data type. The most common data type values are:

The following code opens a data form with a preset code and selects a part in the form:

Dim oDataForm as IERPLink.IISERPDataForm

Dim oField As IERPLink.IISERPField

oDataForm = oERPLink.CreateDataForm(“0040”)

oDataForm.PresetCode = 958

oField = oDataForm.LocateFields.Add("PartCode", 1)

oField.Value = “AUTO”


Child Data Forms

The content of a child form depends on the selected Isah item in the parent form. For example, the content of the Calculation parts form (F0071) can only be displayed if the part to which the calculation lines belong, is known. Therefore, you have to enter the key values of the Isah item from the parent form in the DataParams property when you want to open the child form.

The code below opens the Calculation parts form (F0071) for the part "Auto" and selects the line with Bomlinenr = 4.

Dim oDataForm as IERPLink.IISERPDataForm

Dim oField As IERPLink.IISERPField

oDataForm = oERPLink.CreateDataForm("0071")

oDataForm.DataParams.Add("PARTCODE", 1, “Auto”)

oField = oDataForm.LocateFields.Add("BOMLINENR", 3)

oField.Value = 4
