The main purpose of queries based on the IISERPQuery interface is to retrieve data from the database. However, it is possible to use the interface for adding, deleting or changing data in custom tables. A user must have at least read rights for the program code 100009980 (Data via Integration Server) to run a query. Creating a query object and filling in the properties do not require any rights, as opposed to retrieving or changing data. So users can only retrieve or change data from Isah if they have sufficient rights.
Retrieving data
To run a query carry out the following steps:
The following code reads the language table and provides an overview of all languages present:
Dim oQuery As IERPLink.IISERPQuery
Dim i As Integer
Dim lMsg As String
oQuery = oERPLink.CreateQuery()
lMsg = "Number of languages: " & oQuery.RecordCount & vbCrLf
While not oQuery.Eof
lMsg = lMsg & (i + 1) & ": " & _
oQuery.FieldByName("LangCode").AsString & _
", " & oQuery.FieldByName("Description").AsString & vbCrLf
End While
MsgBox lMsg
oQuery = Nothing
Adding, Deleting or Changing records
Usually stored procedures are used for adding, deleting or changing data in Isah tables and even in custom tables because of the data integrity. A couple of examples of modifying a custom table with a query are provided here for completeness.
Adding Records
To add a record to a custom table with a query carry out the following steps:
The following code adds a record to a custom table:
Dim oQuery As IERPLink.IISERPQuery
oQuery = oERPLink.CreateQuery()
oQuery.SQL = "SELECT * FROM T_<Table name>"
oQuery.InsertSQL = "INSERT into T_<Table name>(Code, Description)
VALUES('CODE1', 'Description')"
Changing Records
Changing a record is very similar to adding a record except for the ModifySQL that you fill with an update statement. Enter the new field values in the FieldValues property. The character ':' refers to a field in the active record of which the value will be used whereas ':OLD_' refers to the original field value.
Dim oQuery As IERPLink.IISERPQuery
Dim oField As IISERPField
oQuery = oERPLink.CreateQuery()
oQuery.SQL = "SELECT * FROM T_<Table name>"
oQuery.Locate "Code", "CODE1", False, False
oField = oQuery.FieldByName("Description")
oQuery.ModifySQL = "UPDATE T_<Table name> Description = :Description
WHERE Code = :OLD_Code"
oQuery.FieldValues(oField.Index) = "New description"
Deleting Records
In order to delete a record you select the record in the result set. In that case, :OLD_Code will contain the proper value while running the query.
Dim oQuery As IERPLink.IISERPQuery
oQuery = oERPLink.CreateQuery()
oQuery.SQL = "SELECT * FROM T_<Table name>"
if oQuery.Locate("Code", "CODE1", False, False)
oQuery.DeleteSQL = "DELETE FROM T_<Table name> WHERE Code = :OLD_Code"
End If