Performing Common Tasks


Many objects of the Engineering Link API are based on the IISPDMIsahItem interface, i.e. they contain all methods and properties of IISPDMIsahItem in addition to other methods and properties. The most frequently used methods and properties are described below.

Delete Method

Deletes the record that is related to the object. The object itself will not be deleted.

Insert Method

Adds a record that is related to the object in the database.

Update Method

Updates the record that is related to the object in the database.

ShowForm Method

Shows the form related to the object.

TableID Property and PrimKey Property

The TableID is the unique number of a table in the database. The TableId property indicates in which table the details of the event are stored. Based on the TableID and the PrimKey value, the item can be determined in the database.

Key value of the item. Based on the TableID and the PrimKey value, the item can be determined in the database. The PrimKey property can be a combination of several values. For part revisions for example, the value consists of the part code and the revision number ("PART1|001").

TablebleId en PrimKey values are used for setting key values. Every database table has a unique tableID. You can look it up in T_IsahTable. The Primkey value enables you to find a particular record in a table using its primary key field or fields. You can uniquely identify any record in the database with the TableId combined with the PrimKey. The following table shows several examples:



Primkey example


Production file






Part revision



Engineering item revision


Note: Use double quotation marks "" for the Primkey value, even when the accompanying table field does not contain text. If applicable, use the separator "|" (pipeline) to separate multiple fields in a key value.

IsValid Property

Indicates whether the item is valid, meaning that the key value (PrimKey) is filled and that the item is present in the database.