Viewing Engineering Settings


All Isah Engineering settings are stored in the database, divided into general settings and exclusive CAD application settings.

Displaying the Engineering Settings Form

The Engineering form in Isah (F1161) contains most of the engineering settings. You can display this form with the ShowForm method which enables the user to view or change the settings. It will be displayed as a modal form. When you close the form all data will be read so all properties of the settings objects will be up-to-date.

It is not possible to change settings with the Engineering Link API. Changes can only be made by the user in the Engineering form. If the need arises to change settings without user intervention you can use a query or a stored procedure.

The following code displays the Engineering form:


Macro Files

An interface for the settings is available for each of the supported CAD applications. All settings in the Engineering form are available via the Engineering Link API, albeit read-only.

The following code shows the macro file names of the supported CAD applications.

MsgBox "AutoCAD macro filename : " &

oPDMLink.Settings.AutoCAD.MacroFilename & vbCrLf & _

"Inventor macro filename : " &

oPDMLink.Settings.Inventor.MacroFilename & vbCrLf & _

"SolidWorks macro filename: " &
