Note: You can use the Crystal Reports Designer to change custom reports. Please use FastReport for creating new custom reports.
Close all programs.
Browse to the file \IsahSetup_4_6_Isah\[UPDATEPACKNO]_[VERSIONNO]\Client_Software\Crystal_Reports_Runtime\CR10Runtime.msi and double-click this file to start the Crystal Runtime installation. Follow the instructions on you screen to help you through the install process.
If prompted, restart your computer.
Use the Crystal Reports Designer 10 CD to install the Crystal Designer software.
Enter your customer name and accompanying product key code. Each Isah customer is entitled to one Crystal Designer 10 Developer edition license. This includes a unique product key code.
Choose the Custom installation option.
If desired, specify that you want to install the following additional components as well:
Additional export formats. To use Isah's export functions to their full potential, install the following components: Acrobat PDF Format, Application Destination, Crystal Reports Format, Disk File Destination, Excel Format, HTML Format, Text Format and XML Format.
Make sure that the Report Designer Component (RDC) box remains selected.
Proceed with the installation.
If prompted, restart your computer.
To ensure a proper functioning of Crystal Reports Designer 10, it is required that you now install the following patches. If prompted you should always restart your computer before proceeding to the next step:
Install the Isah Designer Patch: CR10DesignerPatch.msi. You can find this file in the \Crystal_Reports_Designer_Patch folder.
Install the 'Common' Crystal patch by clicking the setup.exe file in the \COMMON10WIN_EN_200511 directory.
Install the 'CR10Win' Crystal patch by clicking the setup.exe file in the \CR10WIN_EN_200511 directory.
Install the 'Database & Export' Crystal patch by clicking the setup.exe file in the \DBEX10WIN_EN_200511 directory.
Install the 'Viewers10WIN' Crystal patch by clicking the setup.exe file in the \VIEWERS10WIN_EN_200511 directory.