Use the Compare fields form to set your preferences for comparing structures, for example the part structure and the production structure. Select all fields that should be taken into account when comparing the structures. Any field discrepancies detected between one structure and the other are displayed on the structure form using a different color. You can choose this color yourself.
The structure form from which you open the Compare fields form is also the form to which the settings apply. If you open the Compare fields form from the Part structure form, the settings only apply to the Part structure form. Specify the settings for the Production structure form on the Compare fields form you open from the Production structure form; specify the settings for the Engineering structure form on the Compare fields form you open from the Engineering structure form.
Use the fields in the Highlight section to configure the Part structure, the Production structure or the Engineering structure form to show whether calculation lines are present in one structure but not in another. If you select the check boxes, the following discrepancies will be displayed in the structure form:
New in structure
A line has been added to the structure on the left-hand side of the form, but is missing from the structure on the right-hand side of the form.
No longer in structure
A line has been deleted from the structure on the left-hand side of the form, but is still present in the structure on the right-hand side of the form.
New in link
A line has been added to the structure on the right-hand side of the form, but is missing from the structure on the left-hand side of the form.
No longer in link
A line has been deleted from the structure on the right-hand side of the form, but is still present in the structure on the left-hand side of the form.
The table below shows the structures on the left-hand and right-hand sides of the structure forms: