A preset displays a particular selection of data. It is a user-dependent, predefined filter on the List tab of various forms. On many forms, you can choose from several default presets, or you can manually define multiple presets for each form. To create you own presets, some knowledge of SQL is required.
You could use a preset, for example, for the Parts form in the Parts module. Whereas this form usually contains a great many records, your work may involve only a small number of parts. If that is the case, you can use a preset to specify the parts that are relevant to you. By activating this preset from within the Parts form, the form will only display those parts that meet the conditions of your preset.
The next time you open the Parts form, it will show only the parts specified by the preset you used last. To see another selection, select another preset.
Presets are faster than filters, as filters are applied on the client (the workstation itself), whereas presets are dealt with on the server. When using filters, all data are retrieved from the server, and the filtering process takes place on the client computer. If you are using presets, the data are filtered on the server, and only the filter results are displayed on your screen.
Note: Before users can use default presets, each user or user group must first be given rights to the default presets.