Status handling

For various processes, the Status handling tab allows you to advance the status of changed files or lines automatically after the relevant process has been executed. This way, the file or line automatically moves forward to the next phase in the business process.

Statuses may be specific to a routing; there are sales routings, purchase routings and production routings. A routing contains the route a file has to follow in Isah. Routings coordinate statuses; when routings are used, statuses are part of a routing. You can choose to make a routing mandatory. In that case, all steps of the routing have to be completed.

The contents of the Status handling tab depend on the processing form it appears on.

Status handling - Sales lines

Status handling - Production files

Status handling with routing - Sales lines

Status handling with routing - Production files

Production operations

Show status handling

Allow status decrease

Status handling only if production file is complete

Status handling only if sales line is complete

Note: Statuses and routings may be protected by rights. This means that you change the statuses only if you have the appropriate rights both to the status the files or lines currently have and to the new status you want to assign to the files or lines.