Project planning Gantt chart settings

This form is available from the main menu of the Projects module in the Basic data folder.

Use the Gantt chart settings form to set the display of the Gantt chart in the Projects module. The settings you enter on this form apply to the entire database and therefore to all users. This ensures that the Gantt chart formatting is the same for everyone. To make changes that should not apply to everyone, use the Gantt chart properties form, which you can open by right-clicking the Gantt chart and then choosing Properties.

The settings on the settings form only affect the Gantt charts in the Projects module. To configure settings for Gantt charts in the production modules, use the Production planning Gantt chart settings form.

The form has two tabs: the General tab and the Continued tab. Use these tabs to assign shapes and colors to different types of project lines. The different shapes and colors will make it easier to distinguish activities and subprojects, for example. Also, the Continued tab enables you to differentiate between information such as estimates and order information (actual costing data).

Tip: In some cases bars may overlap. For instance, the 'Progress' bar may obscure part of the bar showing the actual hours registered. To see the 'Progress, 'Actual' and 'Planned' bars all at the same time, you are advised to choose different shapes for the 'Actual' and 'Planned' bars.

Open and closed milestones

The Milestone section of the Continued tab has an Open field. Milestones can be Open or Closed. A closed milestone has a fixed end date, so that it is clear that the milestone must be reached on a particular date. An open milestone has an open end date, which means that the milestone depends on the progress of the project line with which the milestone has a successor relationship. For example, if a milestone marks the end of a phase, the milestone will move up in time if the phase takes longer than expected. Use the Open field to assign a different shape to open milestones to distinguish them from other milestones.

Resetting Gantt settings and properties

One of the options in the Edit menu of the Gantt chart settings form is the Reset Gantt settings and properties option. Use this option to reset all Gantt chart settings in the Projects module to their original values.