Key performance indicators

See Key performance indicators: introduction for information about key performance indicators (KPIs) and how they can be used.

KPIs are defined on the Key performance indicators form. The details you define include the standard values with which you want to compare the actual values.

Subdividing KPIs

KPIs can be subdivided to give more specific information. For example, you could view the turnover by part group by salesperson. You can create this subdivision using the Division and Subdivision fields.

Linking KPIs

KPIs can be related to each other. For example, the 'Production' KPI and the 'Service' KPI together make up the turnover in the KPI called 'Company Turnover'. You can establish this link in the Part of indicator code field.

The Indicator code lines form lists the actual values you can compare with the standard values from the Key performance indicators form.