The menu bar in Isah varies by module and by form. If a menu item in a module has no contents, the menu item will not be displayed. The menu bar may contain the following items:
File: Use this menu to add new records, or to modify or delete existing records.
Edit: This menu contains the processes available. The menu varies by form, because the processes are form-specific. Most processes are also available from the Processes folder in the main menu.
View: This menu contains various view options, including a filter and the option to bring the form to the front.
Navigation pane: Use this menu to select the navigation pane groups that are also included in the main menu.
Favorites: Use this menu to access and organize your favorite forms that you have added to the main menu.
Reports: This menu contains report options, including the print preview. It may also contain specific reports.
Information: Use this menu to display various types of information forms, such as a form listing all price data for a particular part. The contents of this menu varies by form, because not all information forms are relevant to all forms.
Go to: Use the Go to item to access related forms directly.
Tools: This menu contains accessories (Calculator and Calendar), and technical information.
Window: The Window menu lists all open forms. Choose a form in the list to refresh the data on that form and to bring it to the front.
Help: The Help menu enables you to search for information about the program, and to find the version number.