
Use the Printers form to configure the printers used within your company. You can then link the printers to users, printer types, or reports.

If the printer type controls which printer a report is linked to, this printer will have precedence. This may be relevant if certain documents (such as invoices) have to be printed in high quality. By linking a report to the highest-quality printer, the report will always be printed on the printer specified. Before you start printing, you can still select another printer if you do not want to use the default printer after all.

In Isah, the printer/printer tray combination is regarded as a single printer. This allows you to configure three separate printer definitions for a printer equipped with three trays. To automatically print a report using a particular printer tray, for example because that tray contains the stationary you want, define this printer/tray combination as one printer.

If you define just one printer for a printer equipped with more than one tray, the default settings of that printer will be used. Where necessary, users can still manually select another tray or setting.