As-built structure

An as-built structure shows the components actually used and the build-up of an object. In addition to objects, the structure can also contain parts, for example if a building houses machines with an engine and other components, where the building, machines and engine are objects, and the other components are parts. This will give you a quick and multi-level overview of the relationships between the different objects and child parts.You can then retrieve additional, object-specific data for further product specifications.

The as-built structure of an object is created automatically during various logistic processes. Examples are shipments based on shipping notes, receipts from supplier on orders, stock issues, and production receipts on orders. During these processes, you will not only register the object, but also the target object of which the object is part. For example, if you receive an engine that will be part of a machine, you will register the machine as the target object.

The As-built structure form allows you to view and change the structure of an object, and to add objects.


An oil company has an oil field encompassing several sublocations. A compressor is located at one of those locations. The oil field, the sublocations and the compressor are all objects. The compressor components that are susceptible to wear and tear are also objects, but the other components are not. Whenever a technician wants to service the compressor, he can use the object code to retrieve all required data about the compressor.

Object structure