Document delivery method

Process of communicating external documents

Use the Delivery method form to set options for the automatic delivery of documents. You can choose a delivery method for each customer or supplier. Use the delivery method field to define whether a report should be sent by post or by email. To send the report by email, specify the sender and recipients, the email contents, and any documents to be attached.

Repeatedly composing email messages, entering recipients and looking up documents to be included is time-consuming and error-prone. If you choose to automate the communication of documents, you set the default communication method for individual customers or suppliers just once. Once you have done that, all you have to do is execute the Send documents process to create the email or printout. You can execute the process as a multiselect process. For example, if on the Sales offers form you select multiple sales offers and then start the process, all selected sales offers will be printed or sent based on the delivery method you defined.

The delivery methods you define can be selected whenever you define external communication documents: