Logging in

To log in, first choose a department on the home page. Once you have chosen a department, SFC will list all employees logged in to SFC for this department. Icons may be displayed next to employees:


The employee is present.


The employee is absent and not scheduled.

Select your name from the list. You now have two options, depending on the way in which SFC has been configured for your business:

  1. The system settings allow direct access: After you have entered your name, you are logged in immediately and you will be taken to your personal home page.
  2. The company's system settings require you to log in: The login screen appears.

    Enter your four-digit login code on the login screen. If you do not have a code, you are prompted to enter a code. After confirmation of this code, you are logged in to the system, and you are taken to your home page. You need to enter the same code the next time you log in.

    To change your login code, log in, click Settings to access the settings, and click the User tab.


If your company registers employees' presence in SFC, you will be considered to be 'Present' in SFC from the moment you log in for the first time when you arrive at work. You will not be logged out until you choose Exit on the toolbar:


If you leave the terminal in the meantime, for example after you have registered a new operation, click Log out to close your screen without stopping your presence time. Other employees can now use the terminal to record their operations.

Terminals for attendance and absence registration

Note: It is possible that the terminal you log in to, is configured to register presence and absence only. If so, no operations will be displayed after you have logged in, and it is not possible to specify activities. If you arrive late or leave early, you can specify a reason, however.