Country codes are used to register the country of origin of your business acquaintances. Along with the country code, you can specify the address format to be used for the country in question. Country codes can be used for both customers and suppliers.
You have full control of the format of country codes. When assigning codes to countries, you can use existing country codes, such as the ISO country codes, or the country codes used on vehicle registration plates (for example, 'GB' for Great Britain, and 'ES' for Spain). You are recommended to use country codes as used on vehicle registration plates, as they are widely known.
Country codes are used to determine the correct VAT rate in sales lines and on purchase invoices. Isah will use the country code entered for the customer or supplier on the General tab.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a default value for this field that applies to all customers and/or suppliers. This value will then be filled in automatically when a new customer or supplier is added. You can modify the default value of the field at any time if you want to use another value for a particular customer or supplier.