Document management allows you to link documents, such as drawings and offers, to customers, suppliers, sales orders, production files, etcetera, to ensure they are available at the required locations. There are various methods for managing documents:
Quick document registration
If you are using the Quick Document Registration feature, documents are registered automatically when you link them. You can register, change and delete documents on the forms on which you link the documents to a record, for example a customer record. For quick document registration, the Automatic document registration on document link entry check box must be selected. Linking and registering documents at the same time is especially useful if you are linking the document in question to just one record. The reason for this is that if you want to establish multiple links, the management process takes more time, as you have to enter the document information for each link. If they change, for instance because the document location has changed, you need to modify each link accordingly. If you want to link the same document to multiple records, you are recommended to use the central document management functionality.
To delete links of documents with records, click the Documents button on the forms on which those links were created. Central management is also recommended if you want to delete document registrations. When the last document link is deleted, the registration itself can be deleted automatically. To have the registration deleted automatically, select the Delete document registration when deleting last document link check box.
Central document management
If you are managing documents centrally, you register a document once on the Documents form, and then simply link the document to all records the document is related to. For example, you could link an offer both to the customer the offer is intended for, and to the sales offer on the Sales offers form. To be able to manage documents centrally, make sure the Automatic document registration on document link entry check box is not selected.
Central management is particularly useful if you want to add multiple links, as registration is a one-time process, and the management takes place at one location.
The registration and linking processes are separate processes to which users may have different rights. Users with linking rights may, for instance, not always have permission to change document data or delete documents.
To delete documents, follow these steps: To delete links of documents with records, click the Documents button on the forms on which those links were created. Delete the documents themselves on the Documents form.
When the last document link is deleted, the registration itself can be deleted automatically. To have the registration deleted automatically, select the Delete document registration when deleting last document link check box. If some users are allowed to link documents, but are not allowed to manage documents, it is recommended to leave the Delete document registration when deleting last document link check box empty.
Document management system
If you are using a document management system (DMS) that is linked to Isah, document management takes place in that DMS. This means you use the document management system to change or delete document data. In Isah, you link the documents, and execute processes with scripts from the Edit menu, such as opening the document in Isah.
If you are using a document management system, the Document management system present check box must be selected. If the check box is selected, you can no longer add, change or delete any documents on the Documents form.
To delete documents, follow these steps: To delete links of documents with records, click the Documents button on the forms on which those links were created. Delete the documents themselves using the document management system.
Note: Scripts can be used for all document management methods. For example, you could specify that particular users are only allowed to read documents using a viewer. In this case, you disallow those users any rights to the Open document process, and use a script to call the viewer. You can select this script in the Action field.