
If you have opted for central document management, you use the Documents form to register, change and delete documents.

If you are managing documents centrally, you register a document once on the Documents form, and then simply link the document to all records the document is related to. For example, you could link an offer both to the customer the offer is intended for, and to the sales offer on the Sales offers form. To be able to manage documents centrally, make sure the Automatic document registration on document link entry check box is not selected.

Central management is particularly useful if you want to add multiple links, as registration is a one-time process, and the management takes place at one location.

The registration and linking processes are separate processes to which users may have different rights. Users with linking rights may, for instance, not always have permission to change document data or delete documents.

Use the quick document registration functionality if you expect to have to link documents only once.