Periodic invoicing

The periodic invoicing functionality allows you to invoice the total order sum by means of multiple periodic invoices. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Indicate which order or which order sales lines qualify for periodic invoicing:
  2. Define periods: Create one or more periods on the Periodic invoices form. The sales order must contain at least one sales line and one shipping line.
  3. Authorize the periods: To create separate periods, only select the Invoicing authorization check box on the Periodic invoices form. To create periodic invoices, you also have to fill in the Shipping date form. This is the first date from which periodic invoices can be created.
  4. Create periodic invoices.
  5. Create the final periodic invoice.

Create sales order

Mark sales lines to be invoiced periodically

Register periodic invoices

Authorize periodic payments

Create periodic invoices

Create final invoice