Use the Periodic invoices form to define the periods you want to invoice for each order. Specify when the periodic invoice can be created for a period, and define the sum to be invoiced for this period. To define periods, the sales order must have at least one sales line and one shipping line. You should also have specified which order sales lines qualify for periodic invoicing.
The amount to be invoiced each period can be a fixed sum, or a percentage of the total order sum. The total sum is the sum of the sales line(s) you want to include in the periodic invoicing. It is not possible, for example, to invoice 10% of sales line 1 and 30% of sales line 2 in one period. You can, however, choose to exclude one or more order sales lines from periodic invoicing.
The periodic invoices themselves are created with the Create periodic invoices process.
Note: It is not possible to create or change periodic invoices for finalized sales orders. Similarly, you cannot delete periodic invoices of finalized sales orders.
Sales line 1: 25 pieces @ $ 200 a piece, totaling $ 5,000
Sales line 2: 1 piece @ $ 1,000 a piece, totaling $ 1,000
The first period of 10% will result in a periodic sum of 10% * $ 6,000 = $ 600 if both lines are marked for periodic invoicing.
The periodic invoices are created with the Create periodic invoices process. A complete overview of the period to be invoiced is displayed on the Outstanding periods form.